TARC Meeting Minutes for March 2022

Totah Amateur Radio Club
Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2022

Club Officers
President Donnie K6QQT
Vice President Bill KK5ZH
Secretary Scott K8OIP
Treasurer (Acting) Scott K8OIP

Sterge Katirgis WA5K 3yrs remaining
Paull Holmes NM5PH 2yrs remaining
Allen Prince KG5LFI 1yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS Thursday April 14th at 7:30pm at Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

Meetings are normally held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months.

The meeting was called to order by Donnie K6QQT, at 7:33 PM.

There were 9 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was read by Scott K8OIP

February, 2022:
Beginning Balance: $ 3699.78
Interest: +$ .03
Income: +$120
Ending Balance: $ 3819.81
Motion to approve made by Bobbie N5XDQ and seconded by Bill KK5ZH and unanimously approved

Old Business
• Fees are due for 2022
• Open position: We are looking for a new treasurer or secretary please volunteer if you feel you have a bit of time to help out.
• Testing: The most recent testing happened. We had 1 pass and 1 fail. None of those who asked for the testing to take place actually showed up.
• Club Dues: Club Dues are due if you haven’t paid them yet

New Business
• Arrl – Please join if you havent already because the ARRL does a lot to advance Amateur Radio and also because it allows the club to maintain insurance for a very reasonable rate.
• Road Cleanup: Still coming up soon, we haven’t scheduled one yet due to the weather
• VE Testing – A testing is in the process of getting scheduled. It should be happening mid to late April. Keep an eye on our website to find out more as more information becomes available
◦ We have the option of storing test materials for future tests, Donnie has been in charge of the testing since Doug left and asked if anyone would be willing to help learn to run the testing. Allen KG5LFI volunteered to learn and help so that testing can happen while Donnie is out and Donnie will order the extra materials and keep them on hand.
• New Members: A unanimous vote was held and 2 new members were added to the club. Welcome to Donovan and Jim.

Motion to Adjourn – A motion to adjourn was made by Bill KK5ZH and seconded by Bobbie N5XDQ and the Meeting Closed at 8:15PM

Meeting Minutes for February 2022

Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

February 10, 2022

Club Officers

President Donnie K6QQT

Vice President Bill KK5ZH

Secretary Scott K8OIP

Treasurer (Acting) Scott K8OIP


Sterge Katirgis WA5K 3yrs remaining

Paull Holmes NM5PH 2yrs remaining

Allen Prince KG5LFI 1yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS Thursday March 10th at 7:30pm at Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

Meetings are normally held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months.

The meeting was called to order by Donnie K6QQT, at 7:30 PM.

There were 11 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

The treasurer’s report was read by Scott K8OIP

January, 2022:

Beginning Balance: $ 3489.75

Interest: +$ .03

Income: +$210

Ending Balance: $ 3699.78

Motion to approve made by Bobbie N5XDQ and seconded by Bill KK5ZH and unanimously approved

Secretary’s Report

Scott Posted the minutes from last month

Motion to approve made by Jim KI5OUZ and seconded by Bobbie N5XDQ and unanimously approved

Old Business

  • Fees are due for 2022
  • Open position: We are looking for a new treasurer or secretary please volunteer if you feel you have a bit of time to help out.
  • Testing: The Testing in January was successful! We have 2 new Techs and 1 newly upgraded general
  • Club Dues:Club Dues are due if you haven’t paid them yet

New Business

  • Arrl – Please join if you havent already because the ARRL does a lot to advance Amateur Radio and also because it allows the club to maintain insurance for a very reasonable rate.
  • Road Clenup: Coming up soon
  • VE Testing – A testing is scheduled for February 26th 2022.

Motion to Adjourn – A motion to adjourn was made by Bill KK5ZH and seconded by Sarah KB5SPX and the Meeting Closed at 7:40PM